GSC News: Pensacola Songwriters Festival Contest Winner Named

Pensacola Song FestivalGSC was a proud sponsor and facilitator for the Pensacola Beach Songwriters Festival 2014 Song Contest!

These songs were reviewed by industry professionals for excellence and some amazing songs were submitted.

CONGRATULATIONS to the winners and the Honorable Mentions (songs that either had high scores, a high level of artistic merit or were considered to show exceptional promise)! Check out these talented songwriters and their songs!


Top Ten

  1.   It is and I Do– Kathie Eidson
  2.   A House Divided– Mary Haller
  3.   Love Shouldn’t Hate This Way– Kathie Eidson
  4.   Next Time Lie– Mary Haller
  5.   Pouring Sunshine– Kathy Eidson
  6.   (Tie)  Remember Me– Aaron Howard and You Get Me– Nikki Evans
  7.   (Tie)  Some Things Go Without and Saying – Michael Kraker and Family Tree– Dan Lowe
  8.   (Tie) Flying Paper Airplanes– Kathie Eidson and Heavens’s Always Open– Michael Kraker
  9.   (Tie)  Steppin’ Out– Kerry Hotchkiss and Learning to Drive– Drew Six
  10.   You Get Me– Nikki Evans

Honorable Mentions

Low Key– Jackie Clowe
40 Hour Nights– Nikki Evans
Don’t Want to Dream– William Lake
Dreamer’s Life– Drew Louis
Peeping Tom– Tanner Hodges
Redeem Myself– Melissa Heider
Against the Grey– Julie Anne Morris
Your Shine– Tanner Hodges

Global Songwriters Connection congratulates EACH of you and wishes you the best in all of your endeavors. Thank you Pensacola Songwriters Festival for creating a venue and avenue for songwriters to be recognized, appreciated and validated for their creative gifts.

GSC Sponsors Nashville Rising Star Contest

Rising Star

Congrats to Russell Sutton for his winning Nashville Rising Star Songwriter Open-Mic Contest! Russell’s song, “Moonshine” was voted best song by music industry judges and the audience! Russell won over $5000 in cash and prizes! Russell also wins a single song publishing contract with Merf Music Group

Our industry judges were Ray Hamilton, CEO of Merf Music Group, Lou Spoltore and Jim Pace of Global Songwriters.

Read more

Debbie Pascarella Reaches Music Row Charts

Debbie Pascarella’s Song WINS
Pensacola Songwriters Festival Inaugural Song Contest
Hits Music Row Chart Top 20!

Here is DeDebbie Pascarellabbie Pacarella’s Song Contest Story in her own words!

“The journey! The demo was hot off the press when I entered it into the Pensacola Songwriters Festival Inaugural Song Contest.  Next thing I knew…I received a phone call saying I had won FIRST PLACE with my song “I Listen to My Bad Girl.”A week after winning, I met Independent Artist, Erica Nicole. We got to talking and Erica said she was in the process of looking for songs for her newest CD. I said  “I have one that would be good for you and it just won the Pensacola Songwriters Festival Song Contest!

I emailed “I Listen to My Bad Girl” to her that night.  About a week later, I  received the news it would be recorded.  About a  month later, Erica said it would be her first single.  Several months later, it climbed the Music Row charts landing in the top 20 of the Music Row Chart and some stations listed it in their top 10!  At Renegade Radio it became a #1! It debuted at number 89 on the Billboard charts.  This song has a life of its own and is still being played a year later!!  In addition, artist Erica Nicole, won Female Artist of the Year at the most recent NIMA Awards.

Thank you Pensacola Songwriters Festival for your Song Contest!  I love being your FIRST Success Story!”

Sincerely, Debbie Pascarella


GSC Starts New Hendersonville TN Chapter

Jason Kabler Heads Up GSC Hendersonville TN Chapter

Jason KablerGlobal Songwriters Connection knows that you can feel isolated and alone as a songwriter.  So, we are working to provide you opportunities to connect in YOUR HOMETOWN with like-minded creators through GSC Chapters and monthly meetings.

Come play your songs, receive feedback, tips from pro’s and connect with great potential co-writers.  Everyone longs to belong and we are glad YOU belong to Global Songwriters Connection.

If you are interested in being a Chapter Representative Volunteer, feel free to email Sheree at If you have shown interest previously, we will be contacting you soon!

Hendersonville Chapter Information

Monthly meetings are currently taking place the first Monday of every month at Barefoot Charlie’s  located at 125 Sanders Ferry Rd # R, Hendersonville, TN, US, 37075.  Meetings generally start at 6:00 pm, but call or email Jason for more information! You will love Jason’s passion for supporting songwriters and will make great new friends.

Jason Kabler, Hendersonville TN Chapter Representative Volunteer


More About Jason

Jason Kabler was raised in Greencastle, PA.  Though he was born legally blind, Jason never let this short coming stand in the way of his dreams. Jason spent his teen years writing, singing, and making a name for himself in the four-state area (MD,PA,VA,WV).  During these years, Jason was singing hard rock tunes from bands like Poison, Guns and Roses and Bon Jovi.

Jason made the leap to country music in the 1990’s and toured the country as the lead singer of White Horse. In 1999, Jason landed an independent record deal with Eric Straton (ZZ Top, Little Texas, Quiet Riot, Diamond Rio) and made the move to Music City. Three songs from Jason’s debut CD, “Follow your Heart,” were released to radio. On Mother’s Day, a tribute song called “To Mother With Love” can still be heard on radio stations throughout the country.

In 2006, Jason was to appear as the first contestant on a national television show called Songwriters USA.  Weeks before filming, the show fell through.  Not discouraged, he continued writing, recording and playing out.  In 2010 his song, “My Country,” from his CD “Doin’ It…For the Fans,” was named the theme song for the National Fallen Heroes Memorial. He sang live at the unveiling of the Freedom Bike built by Orange County Choppers for the Television show American Choppers.

As a singer/songwriter, Jason’s style continues to evolve. He is currently exploring a more pop/rock style influenced by artist like Paolo Nutini and Jason Mraz.  Jason is currently writing for his ninth CD and he regularly tours in the four-state area.

Jason’s passion for writing has matured during his time working and raising his kids in Hendersonville. His empathy for others allows him to help other writers who might be struggling. He regularly hosts local and out of town songwriters for co-writes and enjoys inspiring others to follow their dreams.

Encouraging Leadership

Decisions, Decisions – God’s GPS Program!

Sheree Spoltore
Dear Industry Friends,

As industry/company leaders, we are faced daily with decisions at every level.  When you step up front to lead, it makes it easy to get kicked from behind, especially when you are the decision maker.  Decision-making can be overwhelming as there are some decisions that impact our lives or companies for years to come.

I love what author Andy Andrews says about decisions in his book The Travelers Gift: “God did not put in me the ability to always make right decisions. He did, however, put in me the ability to make a decision and then make it right.”  I was praying recently about an important decision while driving. I got lost in thought and made a wrong turn.  My GPS immediately said “recalculating.”  I heard that still, small voice speak saying that no matter what decision, turn, or direction I may take, God always has infinite possibilities for my good!  What a comfort! Wherever my decisions direct me, God already knows every potential option and outcome for my life.  God “recalculates” for us and each of us will reach our final destination.

I encourage you in your decision making today.  Make your decisions with courage and the knowledge that you are doing your very best at every given moment.

Thank you for your support of the Global Songwriters Connection vision by telling someone about Global Songwriters Connection today.

Be Encouraged.  Be Equipped.  Be Empowered.

Sheree’ Spoltore’

GSC News: May 2014

We are now into MAY of 2014! Our members are making progress in their music careers step by step! One member wrote me last week to say that they have made more progress in 6 months with Global Songwriters Connection than they did in nearly 6 years of effort previously.
There are many member/publisher meetings coming from our GSC POP Events, members are getting cuts, management being found for groups through our GSC PLAYS4U! event, and bands getting showcases and bookings through our GSC Mentoring sessions. What is happening in YOUR artist/songwriting career? Join GSC and let us help you make real progress!

Tuesday, May 7 – 11:00 – 1:00 I am a featured guest speaker The Nashville Music Industry Networking Luncheon hosted by Vinny Ribas of Indie Connect. The class takes place at 1524 Demonbreun St. (a few doors up from the Tin Roof). There is FREE parking in the parking lot behind Off Broadway Shoes. Take any space not reserved for a business.

Tuesday, May 7 – 6:00 Global Songwriters Connection Hendersonville Chapter hosted by the passionate and dedicated Jason Kabler! This monthly meeting takes place the FIRST Tuesday of every month at Barefoot Charlie’s in Hendersonville! Tips will be shared, songs will be mentored so come on out bring your guitar, your songs and come make the CONNECTION! Bring your friends and we will see YOU there! You can reach Jason at

Global Songwriters Connection is opening up GSC Chapters Nationwide so that you can connect with other songwriters in YOUR local community. We are honored to Jason Kabler serving as our Hendersonville, TN Chapter Representative. We are also excited to have Mike and Tammy Scott as our St. Louis, MO Chapter Representatives. More news about our GSC Chapters is coming!

Thursday, May 22 – GSC Christian POP Event featuring Word Music’s Trevor Mathiesen! If you have a song you want to get heard by real publishers then join us!

Monday, May 26 – GSC Closed in honor of Memorial Day. We are all fortunate to live in a country where we are FREE to try for a dream. Let nothing stop you!

Thursday, May 29 – GSC POP Event featuring Disney Music Publisher Ciara Gardner! Ciara is passionate about songs and songwriters. If you want to get your songs heard by this company here is your chance

Songwriter Success with Publisher Jimmy Metts

Jimmy MettsGSC Publisher Online Pitch Events allow you the opportunity to pitch your songs directly to a publisher. Many of our members are having real results, including in person publisher meetings.

We congratulate the following GSC Members who had their songs taken by Jimmy Metts of Starstruck Publishing! GSC member Scott Brantley was even asked for an in person publishing appointment! GSC will be facilitating that meeting for Scott very soon.

  • Scott Brantley, GA
  • Doug Folkins, BC
  • Kelley King, WY
  • Brad Yunek, ID

Check our events calendar for the next Publisher Online Pitch event.

Songwriter Success with Publisher Stephen Duncan

Stephen DuncanGSC Publisher Online Pitch Events allow you the opportunity to pitch your songs directly to a publisher. Many of our members are having real results, including in person publisher meetings. Kelley King recently drove up from Florida for his in person publisher meeting. James Kocian also drove in to Nashville for two in person publisher meetings and was asked for another publisher meeting from our February 20th Christian POP Event with Stephen Duncan!

Our GSC Team congratulates the following GSC members who had their songs taken by Centricity Music Group publisher, Stephen Duncan! Thanks for showing up, playing your songs, and letting these publishers know that you are in the game.

  • Gene Ezell, TN
  • James Kocian, WI
  • Willie Lowe, OR
  • Justin Murray, OK

Check our events calendar for the next Publisher Online Pitch event.

GSC Remembers Lorna Flowers

Lorna Flowers

One of Nashville’s Most Successful Songwriters – In Remembrance

The immeasurable influence and impact of one life is embodied today as our community experiences the loss of Lorna Flowers. If desire and hard work alone create success, then Lorna Flowers is one of Nashville’s most successful songwriters.
There is a business principal that states, “When one person has success at least ten people within their circle of influence experience success as well.” I have said many times that when Lorna experienced success, hundreds of people would be positively impacted, but I was wrong. I believe we will see that the number was truly in the THOUSANDS, as people across the world have been impacted by the kind and generous life of Lorna Flowers. Lorna embodied a humble spirit and would be greatly surprised and deeply moved to see her high level of influence.
Through the years of our professional relationship, I have often called Lorna Flowers “Nashville’s International Liaison” as it is Lorna I would call when international members came into town. Lorna helped me make sure these members made the most of their time and investment while in Music City. I believe that Lorna has now transitioned into her new role of “Inter-dimensional Liaison.”
I am grateful for every one of Lorna’s songs that I was fortunate to hear through the many years of our Music City journey together. However, one song keeps playing in my mind today. I hear Lorna singing, ”I’m Having A Good Day.”

I can’t help but think about all the wonderful memories I have of Lorna today. Maybe you are thinking the same thing. I invite each of you to share your favorite memory of Lorna by sending an email to Our Global Songwriters online team will compile all of your stories into a book to serve as a lasting testament of her impact on those around her and present it to Lorna’s family. I look forward to reflecting on Lorna’s beautiful life with you today.

Global Songwriters 2013 Year in Review

GSC 1st Anniversary

2013 – Stunning Statistics

The RESULTS are in for YEAR ONE!

Thank you to all of our GSC members and industry professionals for making our first year successful and so memorable. Wish wish all of you continued growth and prosperity in 2014, the “Year of Increase.”  Here are just a few of the highlights!

  • Happy New Year – 1/28/2013 @ 11:11 p.m.  Global Songwriters Connection officially opens for business
  • GSC Historical member – Barry Allen joins in the first 2 minutes.
  • 121 = Number of member’s songs taken in 2013 by publishers for further listening.
  • 11  = Number of countries where we have GSC members.
  • 48 = Number of states where we have GSC members.
  • 18 = Number of major industry events where Global Songwriters Connection was a featured company including GMA’s Immerse, Pensacola Songwriters Festival, Frank Brown Songwriter Festival, Music Industry Blueprint, Kirsti Manna’s Songwriter Girl, and many others.  Thank you community friends!
  • 2 Members, James Kocian and Erskin Anavitarte performed on The Dove Awards Red Carpet after being heard in a GSC Mentoring Session and a Publisher Online Pitch Event.
  • 6 Members got their songs cut through Global Songwriters Connection pitch opportunities.
  • 3 Members got their Christmas songs published through a GSC referral to an LA publisher.
  • 2 Members, Stephanie Rew and Courtney Toney, found great music industry jobs.
  • 4 GSC Mixers held at The 515 Studio – Thank you Rod Lewis and our 515 friends!
  • 4 STEPS Seminar classes (Simple Techniques Equipping Personal Success). Members learned in person and online!
  • 2 Members paid to write a jingle for a Nashville company that has greatly increased the company’s income and visibility.
  • 18 Publisher Online Pitch Events540 songs from members worldwide pitched to reputable industry publishers.
  • 1 Member, Maureen Fichten, pitched her song through GSC Opportunity Knocks pitch opportunity and got a single.
  • 1 Member, David Griffin, wrote the theme song to a company; he and his wife are being flown to Dallas to sing at their annual conference.
  • 1 Member, Mary Haller, received open door and mentoring from a major publisher, has had a few of her songs published and currently has a song on hold with a major recording artist through our GSC POP Event.
  • 1 Member, Joshua Morningstar, signed a publishing deal after singing for the first time in Nashville at GSC’s Rockin’ the Rooster event.

The Best is Yet to Come in 2014!

The year of INCREASE!