I am thankful and grateful to have the opportunity to meet with so many wonderful creators. I count it a privilege to be the one to hear the struggle, the challenges, the disappointments, the weariness, and the desire to be successful through your songs.

Often the disappointments happen because you have not heard back from an industry professional after having what you thought was a great meeting. Just know that when you are meeting with an industry pro that they most likely REALLY DID mean everything that they said to you! They really do love your song! They really do want to connect you with that songwriter or whatever the case may be. I cannot speak for all industry professionals, but let me give you a little insight into the GSC day.

Emails – approximately 200 to 300 a day
Facebook Messages – approximately 50 to 100 a day
Facebook Event Invitations – approximately 30 to 60 a day
Phone messages – approximately 50-60 a day

That equals 330 to 520 messages or responses a day! This doesn’t include meetings or any community involvement! To create success for our members, I have to depend on the industry community which means I have to be involved in the community and have real working relationships.

Right now in addition to that daily work, I am producing and co-chairing the 2014 Source Awards event which takes place this evening. This one event has required MONTHS of planning and coordination and every woman on the Source Awards Committee has volunteered their time to this worthy cause.

So, here are my suggestions:

1. Don’t take it personally if you do not hear back from someone. It probably really and truly has NOTHING to do with you or your songs.
2. Try again! Wait a couple of weeks and EMAIL again. Email often works better than phone messages.
3. Try again! Wait a couple of more weeks and..try again! Yes! I appreciate it when I hear from someone and they are kindly reminding me of what I need to do to help them! I meet with an average of 5 songwriters a day and your reminder brings me back to our meeting, what inspired me, and keeps us all on track.
4. Send a thank you note in another two weeks! A physical, tangible thank you note is a great reminder to an industry professional who truly does work hard and truly did mean what they said when they were in the meeting with you.
5. Don’t expect them to be able to meet with you tomorrow. I often receive emails on one day saying, “I am available tomorrow between 10-2.” That type of meeting probably won’t happen as most pro calendars are booked in advance nearly every hour on the hour. Ask them what their availability is for the next 2 weeks.

Just know that most of the people I know in the industry from P.R.O. Representatives, publishers, etc, they really are trying and really do want to help you. For those of you who are out there making it happen, we know you are working just as hard as we are, which can often mean working both day and night!

There are just so many hours in a day and an artist career and songwriting career is something that happens OVER TIME. It really is a time commitment from any professional to help you develop a career. It is not just as easy as signing a contract and “Poof” you have a successful career.

I am thankful for all of our members who keep showing up, who help me to help them, who understand and are so thoughtful to email me and remind me. Together…WE ARE MAKING PROGRESS! Careers are growing and members are getting closer than ever to their goals. Be Encouraged and don’t take it personally! Keep up the great work. YOU, YOUR MUSIC…MATTER!