Important Branding Tips for Songwriters!
GSC members are not just writing better songs by using our GSC member services, they are moving UP in the BUSINESS of becoming a professional songwriter and industry pro themselves! They are developing real working relationships with industry representatives via email.
Your email address and your email signature can quickly become your brand and your way to connect no matter where you may live in the world.
In marketing “they say” that it takes 7 impressions to move people into action. In music, I believe, it takes 20 or more impressions to move industry professionals into action on your behalf. That means they may have to hear or see your name 20 or more times before they will even remember you.
Here are a couple of ways to INCREASE your IMPRESSIONS through email! Once you have emailed an industry pro, I want them to see YOUR NAME every time they put the first two letters of your name into their “TO” field on their computer whether they are emailing you or not! Seeing your name serves as a great reminder of you and your talent!
Step by Step on how to brand yourself via email!
The information below is very important and helps the industry pro’s you are working with find you quickly! I can’t tell you how many times I have to go and look up a members email because the email address is not their name and is something like [email protected]. Most industry pros are too busy to stop and look up your email! They probably won’t remember your clever, crafty email name even though they may have good intentions! Trust me, they will forget about it once the moment has passed.
- Make sure that your email is or contains YOUR NAME such as [email protected]
- Add a small photo of yourself under your name. Casual head shots are best. No glamour shots.
- Add your music industry affiliations under your name in alphabetical order. This is very important political guidance. When you list them in alphabetical order you won’t upset anyone at a particular affiliation. And having a lot of these affiliations doesn’t make you look better or having only one doesn’t make you look worse.
- Make sure to include your contact number and your websites. I can’t tell you how many times I have wanted to call a member right after reading their email, only to have to STOP and leave my email page to go into the database to find their number. Make it EASY for pro’s to follow up with you.
- Include your website addresses, ReverbNation pages or other ways you communicate via the web.
- REMEMBER – when you change your email address to log in and update your GSC membership profile page so that you can receive our newsletters and MORE tips like this in 2015.
- Please see the two examples below.
Example #1

(xxx) xxx-xxxx
[email protected]
BMI, Global Songwriters Connection, NSAI
West Coast Songwriters, Songsalive!
Sheree’ Spoltore’
Phone: (615) 732-8832
[email protected]
Example #3
John Cirillo
Home (xxx) xxx-xxx
Cell (xxx) xxx-xxx
[email protected]