Helene Cronin

Global Songwriters Member Spotlight

Helene Cronin, Singer/Songwriter

Helene Cronin is a singer/songwriter who lives in Dallas, TX. For the past 9 years she has traveled regularly to Nashville to network, co-write, learn the business, and plug her songs. In November of 2012, she began making those trips to Nashville every month. She hosts rounds at the Bluebird Cafe and performs for coffeehouses and songwriter events in Texas and Tennessee. Although she loves being a solo performer, she hopes that her songs will continue to reach a wider audience and result in cuts with major artists.

Helene recently signed an exclusive publishing deal with Debbie Zavitson, of Debbie Z Entertainment in Nashville. They are very excited about the opportunity to work together!

Her most well-known work is the song Lucky Me which is based on a conversation she had with a soldier in the Nashville airport. This song has propelled her musical career in new directions. She has appeared on national TV on the Mike Huckabee show (with Mike Huckabee playing bass alongside her!), in front of Medal of Honor recipients, and for USO functions. She’s also performed the song for many events for American Airlines and their Veterans Initiatives programs sharing the stage with Gary Sinise, Dennis Haysbert and Tony Orlando. Perhaps the most meaningful moment she experienced was when a room full of Medal of Honor recipients, some of them old enough to have served in WWII, got to their feet and gave her a standing ovation after she sang Lucky Me. This is when she fully felt the power of this song to communicate gratitude to our service men and women. The videos of Lucky Me she released on YouTube have 125,000 views and over 20,000 “shares” on Facebook.

Helene just released an EP of new material. This 6-pack CD, “Restless Heart”, is available on iTunes and CDBaby. More information can be found on her website: helenecronin.com or from her Facebook fan page. While this is the first new music Helene has released to the public in awhile, she has 2 other CDs available on iTunes and CDBaby.

Connecting with people through the emotion of music, expressing some true thought or idea, finding God’s grace in the chaos of life: these are the things that motivate Helene to continue writing and pursuing the musical dreams that began when she first picked up her older brother’s guitar, when he wasn’t looking, and taught herself those first few chords.