GSC New Year 2014Happy New Year – 2014!

All of us want to thank you for an amazing first year for Global Songwriters Connection! We could not have done it without you and our wonderful industry community partners.

 The BEST IS YET TO COME – 2014!

In the photo I am holding the many cards I have received from each of you during 2013.  Thank you for your encouraging support.

I wanted to start off the year with a little encouragement for you. Here we go…

 4 Ways to Face Your Future – Your choice!

 1.  Nervousness or Newness?

2.  Dread or Discovery?

3.  Apprehension or Anticipation?

4.  Faith or Fear?

 (Quote from Jim Freese)

All of us are where we are today in our life, our relationships and our music careers because of the decisions we have made and the way we THINK!  Good news is that if you don’t like where you are…you can change your decisions and your mind!

How will YOU approach this new opportunity to make progress in your process?  It doesn’t matter if you feel you have failed many times over.  Each day gives you a new opportunity to move closer to your goals.  Global Songwriters Connection is in your corner encouraging you, equipping you and empowering you each step of the way.  YOU CAN move closer to your dream this year.  There are real tools, tips and steps that you can take that will help you.

According to Steven Covey, finding your true voice means including your heart, mind, body and spirit.  That is the foundation of Global Songwriters Connection…YOU!  Heart, mind, body and spirit and helping you find YOUR TRUE musical voice through your songs and your vocal artistry.

There are a lot of wonderful opportunities for YOU in 2014 through Global Songwriters Connection.

 Join the Adventure!  Join Global Songwriters Connection!

 Be Encouraged.  Be Equipped.  Be Empowered.

Sheree’ Spoltore’