If you FAIL to PLAN, you PLAN to FAIL!

Start your  new year off RIGHT with this FREE GOAL SETTING CLASS from GSC!

STEPS Instructional Training

This Goal Setting Class is a powerful tool to help you truly PLAN your 2017 year. This class is normally taught in a classroom setting, so just skip past the sign-up process and get straight to the heart of the matter.

Please DO read each portion of the class as many of us, as creators, are self-sabotaging by nature.

LEARN WHY we often make the choices we make!
LEARN HOW to overcome these self-sabotaging habits!
PLAN for a great 2016 YEAR OF MIRACLES!





1. “I AM A MAGNET FOR GREAT OPPORTUNITIES!” – Print these words and put them on your computer and in several DIFFERENT locations in your life where you will see them every day. Speak this out loud as often as you can no matter how you may be feeling and no matter what you may be experiencing.


2. LISTEN IN – to at least ONE POP Event a month. Those who are doing so are growing, learning, connecting AND 101 members had in person publisher meetings through this event last year.


3. Career Mentoring Session – schedule a one on one mentoring session and help lay out your 2016 year and get a checklist started on what to do NEXT! We recommend that you plan and prepare to do FOUR mentoring sessions a year.

We Believe in YOU!

Your GSC Team!