Global Songwriters Connection is celebrating 5 YEARS of service to songwriters. Over the past 5 years we have been fortunate to help many of our members make that all important “connection”” that is leading to success.
IF in the past 5 years of working with GSC if you have received your first single song contract, your first publishing deal, your first publisher meeting, maybe you won a song contest or maybe we “made that call” that opened the door to your first publisher meeting or co-write, …SEND US YOUR VIDEO TESTIMONIAL.
I am thankful and grateful for all of the efforts we are making together on this journey. Our journey sometimes takes place over YEARS! Your testimonial will encourage others. Together…WE CAN.
If you would like to submit a video please contact us for special instructions
GSC Member: Test Test
Professional Title: Test Title
Video Testimonial:
GSC Member: Test Test 2
Professional Title: Test Artist/Writer
Video Testimonial: