Breaking Through – Artist Cuts, Publisher Calls and Meetings

Patrick DodgeGSC Member Patrick Dodge from New York had an amazing 2021 year via GSC events such as our GSC FOCUS Retreats working with GSC artists and our exclusive POP Event Publishers!  Here is his story in his own words.

From Patrick Dodge: “COVID aside,2021 has been pretty darn good to me in the GSC music world: an incredible February FOCUS event , a cut written with Briana Domenica one her “Warrior In Me” EP called “Every time”, a cut on Sarah Taylor Young’s “Step Into Freedom” called “Love One Another” written with Sarah, Brian White and Matt Houston, many songs taken by publishers at the POP events, 2 cuts on Katilyn Pulcher’s Rock album “Feminengine” written with Katilyn, a co-write with Alexa Valentino called “Happy For You” that landed on her POP EP “A Guide To Moving On”, 5 publisher meetings and the restart of the Home Free “Dive Bar Saints” tour where I had a cut written with Jeffrey East called “Why Not” with a video that has over 450,000 views! 

But just when the year is coming to a close… one of GSC’s favorite publishers, Woody Bomar, calls me to let me know that he landed a cut with Kathryn Shipley with “Rise Above” written with GSC members Michaela Clark and Mary Haller. Then Dallas Gregory, another GSC favorite publisher, reaches out to let me know that “Why Not” is being licensed and cut on a limited release CD called “Songs of Joy”, being released December 28 with a compilation of pre-released songs recorded by “Various Legendary Artists”… I wonder who will be doing “Why Not”?!! ” 

But wait…. there’s more! Then Dallas emails me like the very next day to let me know that a FOCUS event song called “Must Be Love” written with Avrim Topel and Jeffrey East has been picked up by up-and-coming Country-R&B artist Tylar Bryant and that they’re putting the finishing touches on it this week!!!! What a way to end 2021 – woo hoo!!!