Purchase Seminar Now!
$15 for GSC members
$25 for non-members

STEPS Seminar - Sheree Spoltore

“Procrastination Meet Preparation”

DATE: November 19th at 6:30pm CST

(Participate in-person at the 515 Studio in Nashville, Tn or participate Online)

Sign Up Today! (An affordable $15 for GSC members)

About this one hour STEPS Seminar

Let’s Get Ready for 2014 NOW!

If you are waiting until January to set your goals for the 2014 year, you are already behind! What do you hope to accomplish and achieve in 2014? Do you have a crystal clear plan of action to achieve that goal?

One of the most challenging roadblocks creative people face is the roadblock called PROCRASTINATION. In this one hour, online or in-person seminar you will receive:

1. A simple tool that will help you outline your 2014 goals.

2. Questions to ask yourself to determine your direction and find your focus.

3. Accountability tools to help you stay focused all year long.

STEPS stands for Simple Techniques Equipping Personal Success! At Global Songwriters Connection we know that the POWER to make your dreams a reality lies with YOU. We love equipping you with information that will truly help position you with your greatest opportunity to succeed.

This class is a ONE HOUR class. You can attend in person at The 515 Studio or online. The cost is only $15.00 for members and $25.00 for non-members. You will leave with everything you need to start your 2014 year in the right direction and you will be able to measure your progress.

Be Encouraged, Equipped and Empowered in 2014!

The 515 Studio is located at 515 East Iris Dr. Nashville, TN 37204