Get Connected from Your Hometown
Can’t afford the expensive travel costs, hotel lodging, and high cost of music events? Do you have too many responsibilities with family, children and work to leave for several days to attend an in-person live event? With GSC Monthly Webinar Sessions and Events, YOU CAN choose the subjects and topics you feel will best meet your needs. These affordable webinars will connect you to industry information and relationships right from the comfort of your own home or wherever in the world you and your computer may be!
What will the GSC webinars and events include?
Event featuring a top industry professional :
Experience the feeling of connecting and receiving face to face guidance from an industry professional without the added expense and hassle of travel, hotel, food costs and taking valuable vacation time away from work and family. Using our easy-to-use webinar interface, you will feel like you are right in the room with a carefully selected industry professional who will be speaking about subjects we, as songwriters, deeply care about.
Frequent Publisher Online Pitch ( P.O.P.) Events:
GSC will be offering online events such as opportunities to pitch direct to a publisher, or an online camp with a high profile industry representative who will be showing you how they got where they are. We want to equip you with “how to” information to help you on your journey. All events, special guests, dates, times and subjects will be announced in our GSC newsletter, website and facebook page.
Affordable interactive learning:
YOU CAN afford to get the training you need for a professional career in the music industry with these affordable GSC Webinars. Most GSC one hour webinars will cost less than a meal at a nice restaurant (members get an exclusive discount). At that price you can participate in multiple webinars and pick the subjects that most interest you. No matter where you live in the world you can participate in interactive sessions and connect with other like-minded creators. These sessions are limited and are available on a first come first serve basis.
Featuring current industry topics designed to move you forward:
The topics and guests are carefully selected to deliver information that is relevant to the music industry today. All of us at GSC are connected to what is happening RIGHT NOW. What are publishers looking for? What is the next trend? How do I break into the circle? What opportunities are there outside of the circle? We will be speaking with not only songwriters, but also publishers, label executives, artists, musicians and other professionals with a passion to share their experience for the benefit of moving you forward.
A real world perspective:
GSC will be featuring special webinar guests from all over the world connecting you to global music information and training. These guest may range from a publisher,to a tv personality teaching you how to work the camera to a music supervisor answering your questions on how to get your music into film and tv. We want you to walk away with knowledge you couldn’t get anywhere else.
Purchase a GSC Membership to receive a discount on all GSC Career Mentoring sessions: