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Publisher Online Pitch with Nicole Wyatt

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Publisher Online Pitch with Nicole Wyatt

July 20, 2017 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Nicole Wyatt

About Nicole Wyatt

Creative Manager – writerslist music

Chattanooga, TN native, Nicole Wyatt moved to Orlando, FL after high school to attend Full Sail University. In 2009, once receiving her B.S. in Music Business, Nicole acquired an internship with Sony Music and ventured to Nashville.

Wyatt spent two semesters interning for the company until being promoted to Assistant for the Marketing and Media departments. She spent two years learning from the Sony Music team and was then offered an opportunity with Average Joes Entertainment as Digital Marketing and A&R/Publishing Coordinator.

Realizing her passion was in Music Publishing, Nicole chose to part ways with Average Joes to assist in developing 38 Music Publishing, a division of Buddy Lee Attractions. After spending a few years with 38 Music while it matured, Nicole got an opportunity she could not turn down.

A new publishing company in town, writerslist, was looking for someone to spearhead their creative team, in which Nicole accepted, and now resides.



About the Publisher Online Pitch Event

Have you ever thought: “Wow I think I have a really good song. If only I could get a legitimate publisher to listen?”

Through GSC’s affordable Publisher Online Pitch service you can have your song or songs heard by a reputable publisher from wherever in the world you live and without the expensive cost of travel.

One of the most important elements of this service is that you will be connecting with a publisher, creating a relationship with this publisher and learning the pitching process professional songwriters utilize every day.

Here are the details!

  • This online music event is open to members of Global Songwriters Connection
  • Members can take advantage of the “Listen Only” option for only $20 before pitching a song.
  • This event is limited to 30 song pitches.
  • Once you purchase the POP event you will receive a confirmation that will contain your step by step instructions for logging into the webcast.
  • If you purchase a song pitch, you will need to email your song in mp3 format along with your photo (jpg format only) and lyric (Microsoft Word format only) to 2 days before the event. (Please list your name and where you are from on the top of your lyric. GSC wants the publisher to connect with you.)
  • Guitar vocals and keyboard vocals are acceptable. You do not have to have a full song demo for this event.
  • The publisher will only listen to the first verse and the chorus of your song.
  • The publisher may or may not comment on your song. This event is not intended as a publisher evaluation service; although in most cases, the publisher will offer constructive advice.
  • This is a real music publisher online pitch opportunity. The publisher will either PASS on your song OR he may choose to keep your song for further consideration.
  • You are encouraged to stay involved in the webinar while all songs are listened to and here is why:
    • Out of respect for the other participants.
    • Should the music publisher choose to comment on a song, you will learn from what he has to say.
    • If a publisher takes a song, you will want to connect with that songwriter and possibly co-write with that writer.

Read More About the Realities of Song Plugging


July 20, 2017
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Event Category:


Online Webinar


Global Songwriters Connection
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